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ROS/ROS 논문18

[Usenix ‘24] SDFuzz: Target States Driven Directed Fuzzing 취약점 보고서와 정적 분석 결과(SVF이용)에서 target state를 추출 target state에 도달할 수 없으면 퍼징을 종결시켜서 효율적인 퍼징 가능 1) target state feedback target state를 추출하고, 해당 target state에 도달하지 않는 required code에만 coverage feedback을 주입한다 2) refines prior imprecise distance metric into a two-dimensional feedback mechanism -> target state와 best runtime state of a test case의 유사도, inter-procedural distance metric: approximate the chance .. 2024. 5. 15.
[ROSCon 2023] Leveraging a functional approach for more testable and maintainable ROS code Since most code examples in ROS utilize an object oriented approach, challenges can arise when writing tests for production code due to the boilerplate code ROS introduces, often leading to unexpected bugs or flaky tests. This talk explores ways to mitigate those issues by using a functional approach. By adopting this approach, we can minimize the impact that ROS has on your code, preventing it .. 2023. 12. 11.
[ROSCon 2023] Optimizing MoveIt - Costs, Constraints and Betterments Henning Kayser (PickNik Robotics) MoveIt has received plenty of new features and improvements over the past year that make it a much more versatile and better performing framework. Many of these features are not commonly known, much less what they offer if combined with each other. This talk tells the story of the most important improvements, ranging from optimization-based Inverse Kinematics an.. 2023. 12. 11.
[ROSCon 2023] Colcon-in-container: say bye to the "it builds on my machine" syndrome Guillaume Beuzeboc (Canonical) colcon-in-container is a new colcon extension to run colcon commands inside a fresh and isolated ROS 2 environment. With this extension, developers can build ROS packages for any ROS 2 distributions directly from colcon independently of the host. With it, one can validate builds and tests making sure all the dependencies are properly listed in their package.xml on .. 2023. 12. 11.
[ROSCon 2023] A safe and secure ROS 2 multi-domain architecture for AMD embedded heterogeneous platforms Alesandro Biondi (Accelerat SRL) Tomas Thoresen (AMD) This talk presents a safe and secure architecture for developing mixed criticality applications based on ROS 2 for the AMD Ultrascale+ MPSoC platform. The proposed solution allows multiple ROS execution domains, with different safety and security levels, to run together upon the same chip, leveraging software- and hardware-based strong isolat.. 2023. 12. 11.
[ROSCon 2023] SDFormat: A robot description format in constant evolution Alejandro Hernández Cordero (OSRF) Addisu Taddese (Intrinsic) SDFormat is a widely used file format for describing robot simulation environments. It allows us to describe all aspects of robots: static and dynamic objects, lighting, physics, terrains and environments. This talk will introduce some of the recent additions to the libsdformat library including Python bindings and converters for othe.. 2023. 12. 7.
[ROSCon 2023] ROS with Kubernetes/KubeEdge Tomoya Fujita (Sony Corporation of America) Robot and robotics applications can be complicated and distributed in an edge IoT environment, and the number of devices significantly increases. As ROS matures, we have another question which is "How can we manage multiple and distributed thousands of robots?". This presentation outlines the solution against those situations by Kubernetes and KubeEdge.. 2023. 12. 7.
[ROSCon 2023] Real-Time Motion Control in ROS: Uniting HAL with Tormach's ZA6 Robot John Morris (Tormach) Brandon Duarte (Tormach) Tormach’s expertise in CNC motion control has been applied to bridge the gap between ROS and the MachineKit/LinuxCNC Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL). Leveraging the strengths of these open-source projects, we created a seamless interface that allows for high-performance, real-time motion control within the ROS ecosystem, with control loops of 1kHz .. 2023. 12. 7.
[ROSCon 2023] A ROS 2 Package for Online Cobots Impedance Modulation Liana Bertoni (Italian Institute of Technology) Human-robot interaction in realistic environments demands the capability of on-the-fly adapting the robot's behavior. Employing collaborative robots, the interaction and robot motions are further enhanced by exploiting robot impedance. For this purpose, an open-source ROS 2 dedicated package has been developed with the aim of automatically modulati.. 2023. 12. 7.