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ROS/ROS 프로젝트7

mimic 하는 터틀봇 2개(launch 파일 생성) #tutlesim 패키지의 노드들 찾기 ros2 pkg executables turtlesim turtle_teleop_key의 namespace를 turtlesim1으로 수정해서 turtlesim1을 키보드로 조정해준다. ros2 launch turtlesim_mimic_launch.py ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key --ros-args -r __ns:=/turtlesim1 from launch import LaunchDescription from launch_ros.actions import Node def generate_launch_description(): return LaunchDescription([ Node( package='turtlesim', name.. 2023. 11. 26.
crane_개요 ros2 run hee_crane_simulator crane_sim_node ros2 run hee_crane_simulator robot_logic_node ros2 run hee_crane_simulator motor_x_node ros2 run hee_crane_simulator motor_y_node crane_sim_node 실행 -> motor_x_node 실행 -> motor_y_node 실행 -> robot_logic_node 실행 순으로! 2023. 11. 22.
crane_코드 빌드를 처음에 해놓으면, 파이썬 코드 수정을 한 뒤로는 빌드를 다시 안해도 된다! /resource에서는 그림이 들어간다. 1. crane_sim_node.py import arcade import rclpy import numpy as np from enum import Enum from threading import Thread from .lib.crane_sim import CraneSimulation from rclpy.node import Node from std_msgs.msg import Float64, Int64 from geometry_msgs.msg import Point class Stage(Enum): PICK=1 LIFT=2 MOVE=3 PLACE=4 DROP=5 class Cra.. 2023. 11. 22.
crane_setup.py from setuptools import setup package_name = 'hee_crane_simulator' setup( name=package_name, version='0.0.0', packages=[package_name], data_files=[ ('share/ament_index/resource_index/packages', ['resource/' + package_name]), ('share/' + package_name, ['package.xml']), ], install_requires=['setuptools'], zip_safe=True, maintainer='sonysame', maintainer_email='sonysame@todo.todo', description='TODO.. 2023. 11. 22.
crane_package.xml hee_crane_simulator 0.0.0 TODO: Package description sonysame TODO: License declaration rclpy crane_sim std_msgs geometry_msgs ament_copyright ament_flake8 ament_pep257 python3-pytest ament_python 2023. 11. 22.
진행상황 ~11/8 stage_callback 함수 전까지! 중간에 논문작업과정이 있어서 delay 됐음! 11/20, 11/21 이틀 거쳐서 완료함! 2023. 11. 8.
crane_프로젝트 시작 https://github.com/SimoneMacci0/sofar-crane-simulator GitHub - SimoneMacci0/sofar-crane-simulator: First assignment for the SOFAR course. The project consists in a 2D simulation of a First assignment for the SOFAR course. The project consists in a 2D simulation of a crane, performing pick and place operations. Implementation is done in ROS2/Python with the help of the Arcade li... github.com 해당 .. 2023. 11. 5.