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[ROSCon 2023] A ROS 2 Package for Online Cobots Impedance Modulation

by sonysame 2023. 12. 7.

Liana Bertoni (Italian Institute of Technology)


Human-robot interaction in realistic environments demands the capability of on-the-fly adapting the robot's behavior. Employing collaborative robots, the interaction and robot motions are further enhanced by exploiting robot impedance. For this purpose, an open-source ROS 2 dedicated package has been developed with the aim of automatically modulating online the robot impedance based on the task to execute which can vary over time. Specifically, the package provides the stiffness and damping parameters required to execute a task and to be directly set in the motors. With this work, we aim to support and facilitate the community in developing human-robot applications.


본 강연은 “Bertoni, Liana, et al. "Task Driven Online Impedance Modulation." 2022 IEEERAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids). IEEE,2022"에서 발표된 Impedance Modulation 알고리즘을 사용하여 Drilling Task를 수행하는 ROS2 패키지를 만든 것에 대한 강연이었다. Task trajectory, Task force, Task precision을 입력으로 받아서(topic) Impedance Modulation을 통해 stiffness, damping을 계산하고, 계산된 impedance를 topic으로 전송해서 이를 subscribe하여 로봇을 제어한다. 


오픈소스로 공개되어있으니 한번 돌려보면 좋을 듯 싶다.

  • 로봇의 URDF 파일이 필요하다!





GitHub - ADVRHumanoids/RobotImpedanceModulation: A ROS2 package aimed to automatically compute robot impedance based on task exe

A ROS2 package aimed to automatically compute robot impedance based on task execution. - GitHub - ADVRHumanoids/RobotImpedanceModulation: A ROS2 package aimed to automatically compute robot impedan...
