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[ROSCon 2023] Licensing of ROS Packages: Changes to package.xml and new tool support

by sonysame 2023. 12. 5.

Christian Henkel (Robert Bosch GmbH)
Ralph Lange (Robert Bosch GmbH)


Any open-source software must have a license. ROS packages declare this license in their package.xml. It is a considerable risk to the usage of ROS in commercial products if this information is insufficient or incorrect. For this reason, the package.xml format (REP-149) has recently been slightly extended and made more precise. We discuss these changes and introduce the ros_licensing_toolkit. It scans the source code of ROS packages and checks if the discovered licenses are declared correctly. Additionally, it supports the generation of copyright files according to the Machine-readable Debian Copyright file standard, which shall be integrated in the Build Farm soon.


ROS 패키지들의 라이센스 문제와 관련된 강연으로, package.xml에 라이센스가 일관성있게 정확하게 명시되어있는지 확인하는 방법에 대한 강연!