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ROSCon 2023(23.12.4-23.12.21 오전)

by sonysame 2023. 12. 4.

하루에 1시간 20분 분량!

1.5배 1시간 20분+40분 = 2시간

9시 시작 -> 11시까지!!

오전: ROSCon 정리

점심시간: C++
오후: CCS 2023 매일 1편씩!

월 1. Building the iRobot® Create® 3 Robot: Challenges and Solutions for ROS 2 Consumer Robotics (40)

월 2. The State of ROS: From the Iron Age to the Jazzy Age (30)

월 3. ROS 2 Types On-the-wire: Type Descriptions and Hashing in Iron and onwards (15)

화 4. Releasing a new ROS 2 distribution (30)

화 5. Panel: Getting Involved with ROS as an Organization (30)

화 6. Licensing of ROS Packages: Changes to package.xml and new tool support (20)

수 7. A New ROS 2 Driver for FANUC Robots Utilizing Ethernet/IP (10)

수 8. A ROS 2 Package for Online Cobots Impedance Modulation (10)

수 9. SDFormat: A robot description format in constant evolution (20)

수 10. Real-Time Motion Control in ROS: Uniting HAL with Tormach's ZA6 Robot (20)

수 11. Repeatable Reproducible Accessible ROS Development via Dev Containers (20) -> 너무 교육 얘기

목 12. A safe and secure ROS 2 multi-domain architecture for AMD embedded heterogeneous platforms (20)

목 13. Colcon-in-container: say bye to the "it builds on my machine" syndrome (10)

목 14. Optimizing MoveIt - Costs, Constraints and Betterments (30)

목 15. ROS with Kubernetes/KubeEdge (20)

금 16. Leveraging a functional approach for more testable and maintainable ROS code (20)

금 17. On Use of Nav2 MPPI Controller (20)

금 18. Real-time Data-flow extension for ROS 2 (20)

금 19. Bidirectional navigation with Nav2 (20)

월 20. An Integrated Modelling and Testing Architecture for ROS Nodes (20)

월 21. Autonomous Robot Navigation and Localization on 3D Mesh Surfaces in ROS (20)

월 22. Breaking Bots: Robustness Testing for ROS (20)

월 23. ROS 2 powered Android VHAL. (10)

월 24. Rclex on Nerves: a bare minimum runtime platform for ROS 2 nodes in Elixir (10) 

화 25. From Lunar Crash to CITROS: Navigating the Path to Robotic Software Validation (20)

화 26. Lightning Talks (40)


화 27. Up, Up, and Away: Adventures in Aerial Robotics (30)

수 28. NEXUS: A ROS 2 framework for orchestrating industrial robotic lines and cells(20)

수 29. Aerostack2: A framework for developing Multi-Robot Aerial Systems (20)

수 30. Creating scalable customized robotic platforms (20)

수 31. Create® 3 Robot in the Classroom: Teaching ROS 2 to Undergraduates (20)

목 32. ROS 2 On the Browser with WebAssembly for Teaching Robotics (10)

목 33. Lightning Talks (40)

목 34. Octomap is dead: long life Bonxai(20)

금 35. Simulate your World: A deeper look at extending Gazebo (20)

금 36. Parameters Should be Boring (20)

금 37. Simulate robots like never before with Open 3D Engine (20)

금 38. Using Reference System to evaluate features and performance in a standardized and repeatable way (20)

월 39. Simulation of Highly Dynamic Omnidirectional Robots in Isaac Sim (20)

월 40. RosLibRust: Why we built it, why you might want to use it... (20) 

월 41. An Integrated Distributed Simulation Environment weaving by Hakoniwa and mROS 2 (20)

월 42. Leveraging Secure Discovery Server in ROS 2(10)

월 43. Multi-drone simulation with deep q-learning (10)

화 44. Supporting Robotic Deliberation: The Deliberation Working Group and Tools for Behavior Trees (20)

화 45. What is Robotics Observability? Scaling ROS from Prototype to Production (20)

화 46. FlexBE - The Flexible Behavior Engine: Collaborative Autonomy in ROS 2 (20)

화 47. Surviving the Flood (of Rosbags) (20)

수 48. SkiROS2 - A skill-based Robot Control Platform for ROS (20) 

수 49. Improving Your Application's Algorithms and Optimizing Performance Using Trace Data (20)

수 50. Mastering your ROS system state with Petri nets (20) 

수 51. ROSBag2NuScenes: Share the Bags, Spread the Joy - Autonomous Vehicle ROS Datasets Deploy (10)

수 52. PostgreSQL / PostGIS to ROS 2 Bridge for Spatial Data (10)

목 53. SpatialVision: Bringing Popping-Out RViz to Life with AirPods (10) 

목 54. Efficient data recording and replaying in ROS 2 (10)

목 55. Developing on ROS while Scaling (30) 

목 56. Closing Remarks (15)